Eating Disorders

That negatively affect a person's
physical or mental health.

Recovery is possible

Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions, that require a multidisciplinary approach to care and management. Recovery is possible and you can be free of this life controlling illness and begin to thrive. 


Eating disorders often start with dieting and disordered eating and can develop into anorexia nervosa, atypical anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder or otherwise specified feeding and eating disorder. Having an eating disorder requires that you see a GP, dietitian and counsellor/ psychologist for safety and healing.


At Hope integrated Health you can see a dietitian or a counsellor. If you have been diagnosed with an eating disorder and have an eating disorder plan (EDP) from your GP, part of the session fee is refundable through medicare. Counselling sessions are not rebated through medicare.


The Recovery Journey

Part of the recovery journey for people with eating disorders involves being aware of how the current eating patterns serve you, how they hurt you and how you can live a life without thinking about food, weight and your body most of the time.

We adopt a health at every size approach, helping clients recognise the dangers of the diet culture and working with you to learn to have a better relationship with yourself, your body and with food.

Understanding food, what it does and why we need it is part of the re-learning needed to recover. Deciding to start or continue the journey to recovery takes courage, and is made easier with people around you who can support and encourage you

At Hope Integrated Health you will find understanding and empathic health professionals who are committed to working with you at any stage of the journey.